Garlic not only enhances the taste of meals, but it may also be beneficial to the health of your hair. It is high in vitamin C, manganese, Selenium, and B vitamins, among other nutrients. All of these nutrients are essential for the development and repair of hair. Aside from that, antioxidants can aid in the unclogging of clogged hair follicles.
How to Use - Apply a little amount of garlic extract on your scalp. Massage it in thoroughly. . When to Use It - This natural treatment should be used twice a week.
Dietary Supplements –
Garlic has 31 milligrammes of Vitamin C per 100 grammes.
While thinking about what foods are excellent for hair, it's important to remember which foods should be avoided if you want to have healthy and growing hair. Sugar, processed carbohydrates, swordfish, and alcoholic beverages, according to nutritionists, should be avoided.
Remember that what you eat has an influence on your health, but it may also have an impact on the health and quality of your hair. We've done half the work for you by studying foods that promote hair growth and thickness; now it's up to you to include these foods into your diet